How do I fly to Gold Beach?

What's the easiest and/or least expensive way to fly to Gold Beach? 
We have some very good news: Contour Air now flies into Crescent City (about a one hour drive from Gold Beach)!  They fly to Oakland, so you can either catch your next flight there or get an Uber over to SFO and grab a flight from there. The departing flight to Oakland is at 7am and having just taken it, I can tell you it is pretty amazing! The sun was coming up and the airplane was a jet with no bad seats. Plus Crescent City air port was just remodeled and is gorgeous. Bonus: Parking is FREE!  If you want to try something more direct and would rather drive a little longer, Allegiant Air flies to Medford & Eugene I believe from Mesa, Las Vegas, LAX and from some other airports. The flights are very inexpensive ($100ish one way) but only operate 2x per week (and sometimes not at all depending on the season/demand), so you don't want to miss your flight! North Bend, OR has just remodeled their airport to accomadate golfers flying in to golf at Bandon Dunes. North Bend is 80 miles north of us and United Express flies in there as well as a smaller commuter airline coming from Portland. Eugene, Medford, Portland and Arcata all have large airlines servicing them. They're a little farther to drive to, but usually less costly.
Lynn Wegner